Family Guide for 2024

Before we start, let’s run through a few things so you’re prepped for all the fun that lies ahead…


Bring your debit/credit card as we’re not accepting cash on site.

Don’t forget your water bottle and your camping mug – we aren’t selling anything in single use plastic – please bear this in mind when you want to buy tea and coffee at the event. This includes bottles and coffee/tea cups – so please bring your own or buy one from us. Camping mugs not china mugs, mind.

Check the weather forecast. Keep your fingers crossed the weather gods will smile on us.

If you have children, some extra things may come in handy such as:

  • A good 3 wheeler buggy. Trollies can be actually quite hard to drag around, especially as our site is a little hilly and a bit bumpy.
  • Flannels or biodegradable wet wipes
  • Ear defenders
  • Snacks and food if you wish to cook (we have plenty of great food available on site but a supply of favourite snacks is always useful). It’s a good idea to freeze food rather than pack ice blocks if you are bringing a cool bag as less to carry and a meal to eat once defrosted.
  • Clothes – the great British weather can throw anything at you so whilst trying to pack light, it’s worth considering leaving a spare set of clothes for everyone in your car and if you don’t need them at least you’ll have something clean to drive home in.  Wellies and rain gear are also worth packing and leaving in the car if you arrive and it’s sunny.
  • On the subject of costumes – especially all-in-one suits if you’re bringing small children – bear in mind your little person is going to need to take it all off in the toilets. Not such a big deal in hot weather. Maybe more so – if it’s not so nice.


Our postcode is BS40 8SZ.

We advise people to arrive from the Chew Valley Lake side of Denny Lane (Walley Lane, via Bishop Sutton), as there will be a strict one-way policy for entering and leaving the car park. Everyone will be signposted down the Bristol Water road and the stewards will direct you from there.

If you search for the postcode on the internet or your sat nav, please bear in mind the exact location of the farm is slightly different to the postcode location. There is a road closure and one-way system in force on Denny Lane. We want to make your entry and exit as smooth and swift as possible.

So here’s a heads up as to where you need to go… 

Arriving in a car? Head to the waterworks rd, off Walley Lane, orange gate

Arriving in a campervan/motorhome/caravan?
Head to the waterworks rd, off Walley Lane, red gate)

Getting dropped off?
Head to purple gate on Walley Lane

Booked glamping?
 Head to the waterworks rd, off Walley Lane, (Blue gate)

Need accessible camping? Head to the waterworks rd, off Walley Lane, (Blue gate)

Don’t worry if you forget – everyone will be directed from the Waterworks road.


We have four camping areas: Family/Beyond the Burner/Accessible/Glamping

Family – this is close to the car park and much much bigger than in previous years. Please respect that everyone needs beauty sleep and keep noise levels down after midnight. This is NOT the place to have parties-back-at camp. If you don’t want to be restricted in terms of noise – head to the Beyond the Burner campsite.

Beyond the Burner – this is close to the action. (You may want to bring a sack trolley/wheelbarrow to help carry your stuff in). Although we do have rickshaws on site who can help transport your stuff for a donation. Please email for Jeff’s number. You can then talk about what, where and timings.

Accessible – Everyone will be signposted down the Bristol Water road and the stewards will direct you from there. If you didn’t manage to get a place in accessible camping and would like some help with transport, we have some rickshaws. See above for arrangements.

Glamping – you have your own car park.

Drop off point – if you’re getting a lift, come to Purple Gate on Walley Lane to avoid some of the arrival queues. 


We’re a small site, it doesn’t take long to move around.

Check out our 2024 festival map here.


You’ll be able to pay for food, drinks and other goodies with a debit, credit card or your phone.

Please note we won’t be accepting cash on site.

If you would still like your kids to have some spending independence, you’ll be able to buy & top-up cashless wristbands at the Info Point. 


You can bring your own booze to drink in the campsites (remember no glass – so get de-canting). However, you won’t be able to drink this in the main arenas.


Avoid fomo.

If you haven’t done this yet, do it via the website or ask at the Info point when you’re on site.


Facials and massage


Hot tubs

Ice baths

Masterclasses – food


If you’ve been before, then you can expect a few things to have changed. We always welcome and listen to your feedback.

You can read about those changes HERE.


For those that want more mindfulness than madness, more health than hedonism – visit our wellness and farm fit area and get your glow on.

You can stretch and strengthen your body, soothe your nervous system and soak in the stillness. Bookings have opened for fitness classes, treatments and massages.

You’ll find ice baths, hot tubs, massages, farm fitness, yoga, reiki and so much more…


Whether you’ve got toddlers, teens or in-betweens – there is so much to do.

Come and build your own playground with Woodland Tribe  then party on it. We’ll provide the tools and materials. You make it happen.

Kids Acting Workshops Unlock your talent, make your voice heard and step onto the stage!

Welding with WTF Workshops Hands on, skill building and metal working. Come and try it!

Aerial Workshops with Helina Griffiths: Join in with an exhilarating introduction to the art of aerial acrobatics. Build strength, flexibility, and grace while soaring through the air.

DJ Workshops with Elley Phunk Come and learn mixing, scratching, and beat matching!  Master the art of music manipulation behind the decks.

Beatboxing Workshop: Lips, tongue, action! Discover the expressive potential of your own voice.

Eco Bubbles  Little people love blowing bubbles. Crowds love watching them. And kids love chasing them. All the fun, none of the ecological impact.

Kids Yoga  Roll up roll up. Kids yoga is fun, flexible and playful. 

Junk Fish Come and repurpose everyday materials into your own imaginative sculptures and artworks, then take them home!

Blagdon Lantern Parade Now a firm fixture in the Valley Fest programme, it lights up the night with a magical procession of handcrafted lanterns under the starry skies.

Ola Samba’s  Brazilian beats will infuse joy, dance, and energy into the weekend.

Parent and Baby Group – head to the craft tent in the Alchemist’s Playground area. Here you can have a cuppa, let your young one crawl around and enjoy a few moments of calm. Open everyday from 9am to 6pm.

The only thing we charge for is £1 for the nails and hammer – should you want to build the playground.

And the fairground rides.


Hidden behind a grey facade lies Zentopia, a space where the insect life has taken over. Come through the hidden door and explore this utopian wonderland and hidden chill out space. Zentopia is an immersive venue with music, places to relax, costume, sculpture and decor making as well as DJing throughout the afternoon and early evening. The space is designed and built by 18-25yr olds for 14-18yr olds.


When it’s time to go…

Leaving in your car?  Leave via Orange Gate if you arrived that way.

Leaving in your campervan/motorhome/caravan? Leave via Red Gate

Getting picked up?  Do this at Purple gate on Walley Lane

Leaving the glamping field? Leave via Blue Gate

Leaving the accessible field? Leave via Blue Gate

Nearly time to GET ON MY LAND!