BLOCO B, born out of Bristol’s Bloco dos Sujos (directed by Paul Baxter)in 2018, continues to teach, perform and celebrate Rio de Janeiro Carnival style sambaunder the new leadership of Terry Mooreand musical director Matt Manley.Emphasis is on creating authentic versions of Rio samba tunesusing rhythm,song, melody& dance. To achieve this theyblend percussion & drumming (bateria)with singers, cavaquinhoplayers and dancers.BLOCO Bstrives for excellence by providing a platform for its members to perform andenjoy Afro-Brazilianculture through music anddance. This involves a richprogram of workshopsandevents for beginners andexperienced musiciansby bringing in high calibre teachers and performers from around the samba community.BLOCO Bhas strong links with local and international groups involved in the same genre of music. These include London School of Samba, Paraíso School of Samba in London and Portela Escola de Samba in Rio de Janeiro, to name but a few.BLOCO Bplays samba as played in Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo where it is truly the popular art of the people. Some of our members visit Brazil to play & learn directly from some of the most highly regarded schools of sambain Rio,such as Portela. Samba cannot be separated from carnival so the bandprepares itself to take part in events such as St Paul’s Carnival in Bristol, Notting Hill Carnival in London and, of course, Rio Carnival itself, again, to name but a few.BLOCOBbelieves in fairness, community involvementand the promotion of positive attitudes, respect and inclusion. Honouring the musical traditions of this amazing music is at the heart of what it does and BLOCO B will challenge you not to move and be moved!